I’m Callie

In fourth grade Callie read The Indian in the Cupboard. The idea of a boy’s toy coming alive in a magic cupboard grabbed a hold of her imagination and never let go. The addiction only increased as she read Roald Dahl, Lloyd Alexander, Madeleine L’Engle, and the Redwall series. In sixth grade her teacher took away Jane Eyre because it was distracting Callie from her work.
In all her reading, on question has always fascinated her. Why do some stories with great ideas fall flat?
For the past decade, Callie has honed her skills by studying the craft of writing and defining the elements that make a story work. She can read any story, any rocky first draft, and provide the first aid it needs to make your manuscript live off the page and resonate in the minds of your readers.
Callie is also a mother of four–two of whom are on the Autism Spectrum. A singer and theater buff, she has spent a lot of time on the stage and behind the curtain as a music director and costumer. She loves good stories told on television and is a big fan of many.
Check out Callie’s unique services to learn how to turn that manuscript or idea into the story you dream it to be.
“I believe in authors. I’ve never read a manuscript or heard an idea that can’t be molded and polished into a wonderful story. Let me help you on your journey to perfecting that manuscript and publishing your novel.
Callie Stoker, CEO
Using tools such as the Seven Point Outline, the MICE Quotient, and the Three Act plot form, I can help you determine the best place for your novel to begin, how to make your climax hit in a memorable way, and how to create a satisfying conclusion. I can find the plot holes and tell you exactly what to do to fill them.
I will help your writing do more by transforming paragraphs that accomplish only one thing and coax them to do more. Writing that describes while moving the plot forward and building character will elevate your writing to the next level.
Using the scene and sequel writing form, I can strengthen your character’s motives, making even the most flat or flawed of characters likeable and interesting.
While the writing world often screams show don’t tell, I believe that both are important tools for the purposeful writer. I will teach you the difference between showing your reader and telling them, where to employ these elements, and how best to use them.
I love digging in and finding the elements that will make your story shine. I will find the hidden gems and help you make the most of them. Contact me to start polishing your manuscript today!
We focus on education and application of writing skills.
Your time with us is an investment in your growth as a writer, not just the improvement of your manuscript (although you’ll get that too!)
Callie Stoker - Founder and Managing Editor